If I'm one thing, I'm very thankful. I wonder so much of the time, "Just how is it that I'm so blessed?"
I could be sitting over there in Africa, starving to death and diseased with HIV, malaria, or any number of other illnesses. Thank you Father that I am blessed by birthright to live in the United States of America.
I could be homeless somewhere in America and be shivering to death in this horrifically cold weather. Oh, thank you so much Father that I have a warm house and that my family is warm.
I could be destitute and not have enough food to eat, but I'm thankful that all our dietary needs are provided for us.
I could be friendless and lonely, but I'm blessed with family--both physical and spiritual families--and overwhelmingly blessed with the most wonderful friends. Thank you Father.
I could be suffering from an unloving or abusive husband, but instead I have an awesome husband who loves me very much and works hard to provide for me and who continually reminds me of my value to him. And even though he's not on the exact same page I'm on in spiritual (and other) matters, he's highly respectful of me and trusts me. Thank you Father.
I could have seriously ill or severely misbehaved children, but my children are relatively healthy and well-behaved and are sweet most of the time. Thank you Father for these precious sons.
I could be without transportation, but I have legs, a bike, and a Jeep, which is more than billions of people have. Thank you Father for these blessings.
I could be still blinded to the true Gospel and be living in the deception of the masses. Thank you Father for calling me to see your truth, which I love and desire to obey.
I could be stricken with cancer in this excessively cancerous society, but thank you Father that I am fine, as far as I know.
I could be sitting in jail or prison like thousands of others who don't belong, but for now I'm free. Thank you Father.
I could be blind (and probably AM considered legally blind--), but I have help to see. Thank you Father that I live in a time of scientific advancement, the modern age of miracles, so that I can see all the beautiful people whom I love and all the beautiful things that have been created.
I could be deaf, but I am blessed with excellent hearing. Thank you Father that I can hear the voices of those I love and the voices of those who sing and the sounds of nature.
I could be damned to die, to be dead forever and never raised to life again. THANK YOU, Father for the grace I am given through your Firstborn Son's blood sacrifice and his priesthood.
I don't deserve any of these blessings. Even if I was my own judge over my whole life's activities, I'd damn myself to die. I don't deserve all my blessings. I surely don't deserve God's grace. But, He gave these things to me, because He loves me. Thank you so much, Father for your goodness.
Forgive me for complaining when I open my cabinets or refrigerator and think, "None of this sounds good." And please pardon me when I gripe about the floor being cold. I'm sorry. I know I should be thanking You instead for the warmth in relation to outdoors. And I apologize for feeling sorry for myself whenever I wish I had friends in the Church who lived closer to me. At least I do have friends who are close enough to visit sometimes, and I am blessed with many friends in the U.S., Canada, and even other nations with whom I can email and talk to on the phone. Forgive me when I complain that my husband could try to act a little better, when I should just keep praying. It could be a lot worse, and he really does love me and is good to me. I'll try not to forget how blessed I am to have my children the next time one of them makes a mess, screams in anger, or disobeys. And the next time I complain about having to wear plastic on my eyes that has been soaked in who-knows-what, I'll remember once again that it's better than not being able to see beauty and not being able to take care of my duties.
Thank you Father for all the good things you have done for me.
A good reminder to be thankful in ALL things! Thank you!
I love this post :D We really need to remember all our blessings as some we do take for granted!
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