Saturday, April 19, 2014

Contrasting God's Unleavened Bread with Pagan-Catholic Lent

Note:  This is a long post, and the actual contrast of UB with Lent is well into it.

This week "spiritually virgin" Christians—they are those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 12)—have been keeping the commanded Passover and Unleavened Bread feasts and holy days.  Meanwhile "spiritually whore" Christians—they are those who testify Jesus is Christ but walk in Babylon rather than keep God's commandments (Revelation 17 & 18)—have been keeping a season of fasting called Lent (simply meaning "spring") that leads up to their holy day Easter.  Many of the protestors of their mother church, the church of Rome who went a-whoring, only keep Easter and so do not know much about Lent. 

The scriptures mention both of these times, in a time long before the birth of Christ, and the scriptures show that the Eternal forbids keeping these pagan holy times.  It makes clear He absolutely hates them.

The prophet Ezekiel was being shown various things that the house of Israel was doing and what the house of Judah was doing.  The Eternal God started off with one thing and then escalated to "greater abominations" and even "greater abominations," worse and worse.

A little over halfway through the chapter, at verse 13 and 14 it explains that the people were doing some abominations greater than the ones listed prior, and this included women weeping for Tammuz.  I'd wager that most who belong to the Catholic Christianity religion and those who are part of the many protesting Catholic Christianity sects (Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Lutheran, etc.) do not know who Tammuz was, even though they participate in many of the pagan traditions of worshiping him.  Tammuz was the son of Semiramis (or Asthtoreth/Astarte/Easter, etc.), the ungodly Nimrod's wife.  You can read about Nimrod in Genesis 10:8-10.  He was a mighty ruler who started Babel (Babylon) and other lands.  He was mighty but ungodly, and after his death his wife claimed the son she later birthed was Nimrod reborn, and he was worshiped as the sun god.  That was the beginning of the unholy trinity doctrine that you see in all the pagan religions (like in Egypt with Osiris, Isis, and Horus), including Roman Catholicism (supposedly Father God, Mary the Queen of Heaven, and Jesus).  The protesting Catholics reject worshiping Mary, so their trinity is Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, as if the Spirit of God is its own person!  (This wicked doctrine leaves out any chance for us to also become children of Father God.)

Tammuz supposedly lived for forty years and was killed by a wild boar.  His worshipers kept  a 40-day period of mourning, a day for each year of his life, in his honor, which led up to the day in honor of his whore mother Easter, worshipped as the sex and fertility goddess (think Easter eggs and sex-crazed rabbits).  People celebrate Easter by eating ham in Tammuz's honor, since he was killed by a boar.

Now on to the even greater abomination, in verse 16 we can read about people at the door of God's temple, facing away from the temple, toward the east to worship the sun.  Sound familiar?  What comes right after the weeping of Tammuz (renamed "Lent")?  The feast of Easter.  And what do people do at Easter services?  Many of them hold what they call "sunrise" services.  They face the sun and watch it rise while services are conducted.

If you're thinking, "Oh, big deal.  We are keeping it in Jesus' name."  Well, let's see...

Very next verse, Then he said unto me, Have you seen, oh son of man?  Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here?  for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and lo, they put the branch to their nose (vs. 17).

When the ETERNAL your God shall cut off the nations from before you, where you go to possess them, and you succeed them, and dwell in their land; Take heed to yourself that you be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before you; and that you inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. You shall not do so to the ETERNAL your God: for every abomination to the ETERNAL , which he hates, have they done to their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.
What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it (Deut. 12:29-32).

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils (1 Cor. 10:21).  

See also: 1 Kings 18:21 (one of my personal favorites); Matt. 6:24; 2 Cor. 6:15-17

 Yes, those of Judah (Jews) have filled their land with violence even today, but so has the house of Israel, the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, the peoples are who mostly reading this (as per my site statistics that show places all over the world, but by far the most from the modern nations of Israel like the United States, Britain, and Canada).  They're all war-mongers!  They LOVE war!  You tune in to a "christian" radio program like American Family Radio, and they love war.  Same old story with the Catholics and protesting Catholics. All through the ages they are no better than their enemy Muslims.  And YES, they all DO claim to worship exactly the same God.  I've read the Qur'an completely, and their beliefs almost perfectly match Protestants'.  Isn't that interesting?  But it's true.  And they both reject what is written in their holy books.  What other violence?  Abortion.  Most who get abortions in the U.S. state that they are "Christian" in religion.  Same old story as the pagans. Child sacrifice, sacrificing the firstborn.

In the future, if they don't repent, they will also be deceived by the "beast" power.  The coming "Antichrist" and "false prophet" will be from the Christianity religion.  So the ones in the Christianity religion will be the ones supporting these two wicked individuals.  The ones in the Christianity religion will think God's two faithful and true witnesses are the beast and false prophet.  THEY WILL GET IT ALL BACKWARD!  The scriptures warn that God will give them over to strong delusion so that they will believe a lie, because they RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH!  Rather they believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness, which means breaking God's commandments  (See 2 Thess. 2:11-12).


Before I reached that point, I'd read some mainstream Christian prophecy books, so I know the basic end time beliefs of theirs, and I've since studied the bible and know what really shall happen, and the overall general teaching they teach is EXACT OPPOSITE of what the scriptures teach.  It's NO WONDER THEY'LL BE DECEIVED!  Now, if they will had been reading their bibles themselves and PROVING whether what they were taught was really true or not, they will not have gotten themselves tangled in the delusion.  You see, they teach that the Antichrist will be Jewish.  Isn't that interesting?  The bible doesn't teach that at all.  They also teach that Christians who follow the Ten Commandments, particularly the fourth commandment that teaches the Sabbath and true annual holy days, are being Jewish.  Of course God's two witnesses will be true Christians.  The false witnesses (beast/antichrist and false prophet) will both come from the false Christianity religion.  They will be Catholic.

Satan is VERY clever indeed.

Now back to what is different from the Heavenly Eternal God's commanded Unleavened Bread feast (Lev. 23:6-8; I Cor. 5:6-8) and the earthly enemy god's deceptive substitute Lent feast...

As the apostle Paul explained to the Corinthians, leaven represents sin, and by ridding our homes of leaven and leavened breads during the feast, we are reminded to examine ourselves, to make sure we are ridding ourselves of the sins in our lives, because Christ is our Passover Lamb sacrificed for us, so that if we repent, we will be covered by his grace.

Lent involves fasting from meat, or as it's evolved, from whatever vices with which a person struggles (food and drug addictions, porn addiction, or whatever).  But afterward people return to whatever it is from which they were abstaining.  It's supposed to be a time of mourning over these sins, but it's more like a, "I'm sorry for being this way, but I'm not sorry in the way that will bring me to true repentance.  I don't want to change.  Feeling sorry is enough."

Not only that, but there are other days that Catholics keep, like Ash Wednesday, Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, Palm Sunday, and Shrove Tuesday.  This last one is also known popularly as Mardis Gras (also "Fat Tuesday").  It's pretty much a sinful festival of lust, gluttony (lots of sugar and meat), drunkenness, know, a huge sin fest.  At midnight this sin fest abruptly ends (where it's largely celebrated, like in New Orleans, US and in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and Lent begins.  It's meat and sugar from which people abstain during Lent, so they really gorge on it beforehand. 

Since true Christians know when the feast of Unleavened Bread is about to begin, it's common to start using up all the yeast and leavened breads beforehand, since we live in a day where we may keep yeast packets in our cabinets.  Now it's wise to use it up rather than wasting it if you've spent money on this (in ancient Israel, things worked differently, you just had your lump of leavened dough you kept, and you added it to the daily bread and kept a lump back again), but the point I want to make is that we should focus more on the spiritual meaning of the feast and make sure we are properly keeping this feast in its new covenant way.  Let's not let take it to the extreme with the attitude of, "Let's feast greatly on yeasted breads before Unleavened Bread begins, because we won't be able to eat it then." And for all I know, there may be those who are spending the entire week of Unleavened Bread desiring to return back to eating leavened bread.  I actually enjoy how eating our normal breads in an unleavened state sets as a constant reminder of what the feast is really supposed to teach us.

Let's not let our attitudes be like so many of those who follow the pagan Christianity religion, who have made Christ to be their "lord of misrule," who turn his grace into a license to sin and who decide to worship him in whatever way they see fit in their own eyes, who do not question what in the world the word Easter means or what eggs have to do with Christ's resurrection or why the Easter rabbit lays eggs.  I was a child when I questioned these things within myself!  I failed to see what any of that had to do with Christ or what any of the Christmas stuff had to do with Christ.  There were lots of things I just failed to understand, because I used my logic.  I do not understand why or how so many can just go along in life just doing everything the way someone says it should be done, just because everyone is doing it that way, even though it makes absolutely no sense at all.  But it's WRONG, and it's IRRESPONSIBLE, and it's LAZY, and it's COWARDLY. 

I remember in 2004 my husband, firstborn son, and I temporarily lived in Texas.  My husband and his friend walked into a liquor store to buy some beer.  I sat in the vehicle with my son, and I watched as a man walked toward the door and did the trinity crossing ritual across his face and chest, which Catholics do, and then he opened the door.  My mouth must have dropped open.  What that said to me is that it was his belief that drinking alcohol was wrong (or that perhaps only that excess drinking is wrong but that he planned to do that), but if he did the crossing thing before he did it, he'd be pardoned.  I told my husband about it, who spent part of his years growing up in Texas, and he said that it was a common thing with Catholics to do the crossing thing and then do a sin. 

Does grace cover premeditated willful sins?  (See Heb. 10:26)  Sure, a person can repent and then be judged by his lifestyle afterward. But if you live a life of willful sin, I don't care how many times you do that crossing thing or how many beads you touch while you utter hail Mary's or anything else numerous times, it will do you no good.  Those things are utter folly, anyway.  You have turned God's grace into a license to sin (see Jude 4), and you shall NOT RECEIVE ANY GRACE for your sins. 

Many are still ignorant.  There are many still growing up in Catholic or Protesting Catholic churches who are going along with Easter and Lent, because that is what they've been taught.  Some of those children are wise enough to spend time meditating about those things, though, and questioning why none of it makes sense. 

But for those who have already been shown the truth and have been given the opportunity to prove the truth, and you have chosen to not receive the love of the truth, you currently have no grace.  You know better.  It's not that you are ignorant.  You have rejected the truth.  You do not love the truth.  You love lies and liars. 

The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will you do in the end thereof? (Jer. 5:31).

See Psa. 52:3; Eze. 13:19; Psa. 62:4; 4:2; Rev. 22:15; Isa. 30:10....and on and on I could list.

Read that Rev. 22:15.  Use your bible.  Almost all who are reading this own one, though they may not read it or study it.  

"Many are called but few are chosen," and "Narrow is the gate into life, but broad is the path to damnation."  This doesn't refer to the ignorant masses who really do not know God's plan of salvation.  This is about the many who have been shown the truth, who do know better, but who reject it!  They are "cowardly," "unbelieving," and "love lies and make lies."  

They are cowardly, because they are too wimpy to stand up to all those who will persecute them for their "strange" beliefs. They are too afraid they may lose their job.  They are afraid they'll lose friends. They are afraid their family members will hate them.  If it's life or death, as it has been many times, they are afraid of dying.

They are unbelieving, because they show with their actions that they refuse to obey.  They don't believe the truth, because they don't like it.  They'd prefer to believe lies.

They love lies and make lies, because that is what they were taught, and that is what they choose to go on teaching to others, because they do not have the love of the truth in them.

Satan has a substitute many of God's holy days!  All his days have long-ago pagan roots.  The church in Rome strayed from the truth and adopted the pagan days and changed the names of some to make them sound Christian.  They plugged in Salvation (Jesus/Yeshua) and Mary for the resurrected sun god and queen of heaven, and they kept all the festival dates so that things would continue on as they had before.  They persecuted Jews and true Christians for keeping the true seventh day as the Sabbath and even murdered them.  They allowed only those who kept Sunday as the sabbath to be able to buy or sell. 

God's holy days are all on different dates. There are just seven feasts and seven holy days, and they reveal the TRUTH, the real God and his real plan of salvation.

Easter and Lent are wicked substitutes for Passover and Unleavened Bread.  You will only find hate language toward the practices now called Easter and Lent in the bible.*  Passover and Unleavened Bread are both commanded feasts of God.  They are statutes that fall under the fourth commandment of the Law of God.  They have not been "done away."  You will find that Christ commanded at this last Passover that we have new symbols for the new covenant Passover, but the Passover is still a commanded feast.  It is commanded to be a night to be "much observed," for that is the night Christ was arrested to be killed, to be taken away to be our Passover Lamb (and not the night afterward as many in the churches of God teach). 

As the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, we are to KEEP THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD with sincerity and truth.  

He was the same one who rebuked the Galatians for returning to their pagan feasts (Gal. 4:8-10)


*The translators of the King James bible tried to justify their keeping of Easter by translating the Greek paschal, which is the word for Passover, in Acts 12:4 as Easter.  They shall have to answer to that accordingly.  But don't be deceived.  If you're reading this, you've got the Internet and can go to ( to see yourself.  All other translations properly translated it as Passover.  The Jews didn't even keep Easter, so that was a pretty stupid stunt on the part of the KJV translators.  

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