Sunday, December 5, 2010

Evolution in Lizard's Birth Method Proof for Macroevolution?

I finished reading an article about the evolution in a lizard's birth method.

Fascinating knowledge I just learned. I never knew that the reptiles that give supposed "live birth" actually still have their embryos in eggs but within their bodies, unlike birds and fish. Those reptiles that lay eggs are laying them in the latter stages (in other words, ALL reptiles start with embryos developing inside eggs inside the mother's body) of development. The reptiles that give live birth kept the eggs within them the entire duration, and the eggs THIN over time so that the babies can breathe, and when they are born, what is left of the shells are thin membranes.

YES, another fantastic microevolution/ADAPTATION within one species in action. Yet MILLIONS are deceived by thinking this somehow proves that one species metamorphs into another.

REAL science, REAL knowledge is discovered when there is EVIDENCE. EVIDENCE, EVIDENCE, EVIDENCE. That's the key word. That's what makes LAW/KNOWLEDGE.

Some humans ADAPT to their environment by NATURAL SELECTING genes for darker skin color to protect from the hot blazing Africa sun. Those in less sunny places NATURALLY SELECT genes for less melanin, hence lighter skin, in order to be able to produce sufficient Vitamin D. People in Alaska ADAPT to the cold temperatures by being heavier, having more fat, without negative health consequences.


CHANGING FROM ONE SPECIES TO ANOTHER IS NOT EVIDENT. There are SOME (very few) species that can breed naturally with other species, but the offspring are always, or almost always sterile. There is NO evidence of something up as high as a family, order, class, nation (phylum), and CERTAINLY NOT kingdom, CHANGING NATURALLY. There is NO evidence!!!!!!!!!

NO, human beings shall NOT evolve NATURALLY to a new completely different higher up being.

We have SEEN EVIDENCE that human beings can, with their intelligence, genetically engineer different kingdoms, mixing plant genes with animal genes, for example. BUT, we will not NATURALLY become anything else.
Human beings CAN evolve into a member of the God Kingdom (as opposed to man, which is like a mix of God and animal) ONLY through the genetic engineering of God Himself, and only the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST will make it, and I do NOT mean the way animals survive--through killing, fighting, stealing, sexing with multiple partners, fathers leaving their young for the mothers to raise alone, etc. NONE of this will make a person fit for the God Kingdom. NOPE, no way. Those fit for the God Kingdom will survive by repenting of breaking his law, so then be covered by the grace through Jesus Christ, get the God Spirit begettal, remain faithful and obedient to God's law, and then be resurrected with a NEW body--evolution that is SELECT by God.

There you have it, folks.  I put my faith in the things for which I see the overwhelming evidence, and I don't have very much faith in things that are terribly lacking in evidence.  I'm an analytical scientist at heart.

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