Friday, December 17, 2010

Does Christ's Name on Something Make it His?

It's the Christmas time that a huge number of people in the world observe.  I'm not an observer of this time myself, as God my Father condemns such an observance.  There are a lot who call themselves Christians, though, who observe the time and day.  They'll say the most senseless things when confronted with the truth. 

For example, upon someone saying that Jesus is the reason for the season, I stated the truth of the matter, that he is NOT the reason for this season; he has absolutely NOTHING to do with it and hates it. 

That person said that the scriptures talk about Jesus' birth, and she thought Satan trembles because people observe his birth at Christmas.  Well, yes, I said, the scriptures do talk about Salvation's birth, but it has nothing to do with the winter celebration people observe, nor was his birth commanded to be observed. 

Another person said that she'd "always been taught" that Christ was the reason for the season, hence the name of Christmas. 

Yet another person said pointed it out to me in all caps, as if I was physically blind to the spelling:  He's the reason for the season, because it's called CHRISTmas. 

Wow, do people REALLY  honestly think that just because people call the day Christmas that it is all about Christ and that he's okay with it?  What if our government decided to rename the atomic bomb the "Christ Bomb?"  What if the ammo used in military guns were renamed "Jesus bullets?"  Would that somehow make the wars U.S. wages Christian?  Would the bomb and bullets be okay to use against fellow human beings then?  Would it automatically get Christ's approval, because someone put his name on it?

If we meditate on this, we see clearly that it is great folly to to believe something like this.

There are homosexual groups out there who put the name of Christ on them, like the Gay Christian Network, for example.  There are those out there who have created "Christian porn" sites.  There are "Christian" abortionists.  The notorious partial-birth abortionist George Tiller "The Baby Killer" who was recently shot and killed was done so as he was walking out of his church on "Sunday" morning.  I could go on and on, but surely the point is made. 

Christmas, which comes from two words--Christ and mass--means "dismissal of Christ," which doesn't make sense, seeing as it's supposedly his birth being observed.  The fact is that Christmas is the old Dies Natalis Sol Invictus (Birthday of the Invincible Sun), a day of worship to the false sun god.  Rome gave it a new name.  The church in Rome fornicated truth with pagan doctrines and observances. 

The truth is that Christians should have nothing to do with "Christmas." It's a deception from Satan himself.

Further reading:

The History of Christmas by Keith Hunt

Naughty or Nice, Someone is Coming to Town?  mine

The Truth About Santa Claus by Keith Hunt

Son of God or Sun of God:  Which Christ Do You Worship? mine

Link between Christmas and abortion mine

The Tree of Life:  Symbolic Representation or Object of Worship?  mine

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