Wednesday, July 3, 2024

For Those Who Hate the Earth

You fools! The earth is crying out, and you do not listen. You whine about your absentee Father whom you say left you with your Mother but will come see you one day. Your Mother is the one who birthed you from her womb and has nursed you at her breast all the years of your life! The Earth has given everything we need, and yet you want more; you worship the material. You want her very life force, until she is spent. You want to spit upon her, throw waste upon her, cry "boo" at her, but you want a reward from your Father.  You ignore the damage you are doing. You claim your Father doesn't care about your Mother, but how would you know if you have never seen his face? 

Either he is rotten for leaving her and for never bothering to care for you himself but only sending his Firstborn (who has definitely proven to be good, whether his Father is or not) with messages (and how are we to know whether he is ready to reject his Father in that case?). Or else the Father is good and is testing you on what kind of person you are based on how you treat your Mother and her other children. How can one sincerely love a good Father they cannot see (if one believes their Father is good), if they don't even bother to love the one they do see, which is their Mother and the Mother's other children?

"If a man says that he loves God and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who doesn't love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" (I John 4:20).

The first command Elohim gave, if Genesis is to believed, is to take care of the Mother so that she would take care of man (Gen 2:15). 

The end is foretold to come during which wrath is unleashed, and God should "destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev. 11:18). 

If you believe those books, those words, you better first and foremost ask yourself daily and throughout the day, "Am I taking care of the planet and the plants, creatures, and people on it?" and "Am I loving my neighbor as myself, or am I engaging in acts of hate by endangering—or threatening to endanger—others mentally and or physically and/or destroying or disrespecting their property?"

Then when you find opportunity in acts great or small, what sort of decisions should you make to best ensure you are following those two commandments—proving to love the Unseen (Father) by taking care of the Seen (Mother) and the seen (people, animals, etc.) living beside you (as stretched all around the globe, neighbors near and far)?

The earth's health and the wellbeing of all who live on it should be your primary concern. If you instead support anything that places more burden on the earth, without any remorse or desire to improve, you shall be found guilty if those words are true.

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